1. Objectives

   Provide mentoring services to help colleagues increase their potential and excellence.

2. Vission

   Making AKRAB the Driver of Human Capital Development in Management Human resources.

3. Mission

   (a) Implement guidance service activities to the people of the organization;

   (b) Assist officers who need assistance in coping problems in life;

   (c) Act as an intermediary between the officer and the internal counselor create problem suitability filters;

  (d) Establish a good relationship with human resource management in the agency to facilitate the implementation of AKRAB activities.

4. Moto

   "Serving Guidance".

5. Philosophy

   "Help Yourself To Help Another Friend".

6. Principles

   Willing and willing to help a friend in need regardless of religion, race, position, behavior and physical.

7. Role

  (a) Be a friend who is sensitive to the feelings of others and the surrounding circumstances;

  (b) Provide support for better change;

  (c) Resources to friends to share problems;

  (d) Strengthen the spirit of friends who want to change.

8. Ethics

  (a) Trust and keep secrets;

  (b) Accept and respect others;

  (c) Understand one's limitations and capabilities;

  (d) Always strive to improve skills in various aspects;

  (e) Report to counselors on cases that may be damaging to self and others;

  (f) Refer complicated cases or problems to a psychological officer;

  (g) Understand the rules and ethics of the public service.



AKRAB AGC members have 3 scopes of work as follows:

1. Conduct mentoring sessions to referred clients.

The Referring Officer shall refer to the Chairman of the Committee FRIEND AGC any client who needs a coaching session from AKRAB AGC within a reasonable period of time. However,The Chairman of the AKRAB AGC Committee may determine the members of the AKRAB AGC Appropriate to conduct mentoring sessions to clients based on the background and grade of the client's position referred to. Refer to the Working Procedures for Mentoring Sessions to Clients Referred to Perenqqan G This manual.

2. Conduct coaching sessions to clients.

Conduct mentoring sessions for clients who come voluntarily. AKRAB AGC members may from time to time conduct mentoring sessions for clients who come voluntarily to seek advice and discuss any issues or problems they are facing. Refer to the Working Procedures for Coaching Sessions for Voluntary Clients in the Perenqqan H of this Manual.

3. Conduct an assessment of the client.

The evaluation is conducted through an interview process to determine the problems faced by the client and the guidance services that need to be provided. Clients who are suspected and confirmed by a medical officer as having a mental problem are not eligible for guidance from AKRAB AGC members.