Head of Advisory Division
Rafidah Binti Omar
Deputy Head of Advisory Division (Municipal) I
Deputy Head of Advisory Division (Municipal) II
Mohamad Onn bin Abd Aziz
                          Suhara binti Abdul Rahman
Previously this Division was part of the Advisory and International Division. Following the restructuring of the Division on 1 June 2003, this Division was divided into two separate divisions namely the Advisory Division and the International Affairs Division.
  • Provide legal advice on all areas of law, other than international laws and Islamic laws, in respect of matters referred to it by the Government.
  • Assist in the interpretation of laws as and when required by the Government.
  • Draft or vet legal documents such as legal notices, agreements and memorandum of understanding to which the Government is a party to ensure that the interest of the Government is protected.
  • Conduct research or studies on legal matters as and when required by the Government.
  • Provide advice on matters in which the Government intends to regulate and prepare draft bills on such matters, if any, to reflect the policy decisions as may be made by the Government and submit the draft bills to the Parliamentary Draftsman for approval.
  • Participate in contract negotiations in respect of Government projects in particular privatization and ICT projects.
  • Attend meetings upon the invitation of Government agencies, and to provide legal advice on matters discussed to ensure that any policy decision made by the Government is in accordance with the law.
  • Participate in knowledge sharing or training sessions in legal matters by providing legal expertise, to both the Government and non government agencies.

Unit I – Government Affairs

Head of Unit
Azlin binti Sabtu
  • Provide legal opinion to the Federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies on government affairs, finance, audit and all matters referred to other than matters relating to service, land, local authorities, privatization, contracts and information technology.  
  • Provide legal opinion and prepare draft commentaries to the Cabinet Papers circulated by the Federal Ministries other than matters relating to service, statutory body, land, local authorities, privatization, contracts and information technology. 
  • Provide feedback and input on oral questions received from members of the House of Representatives and Senate on all legal matters other than matters relating to service, statutory body, land, local authorities, privatization, contracts and information technology.  
  • Provide feedback on matters raised during Cabinet Meeting /Post-Cabinet Meetings on all legal matters other than matters relating to service, statutory body, land, local authorities, privatization, contracts and information technology.
  • Conduct legal research on all legal matters referred by the Federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies except matters relating to land, statutory body, local government, privatization, contract and information technology.
  • Provide legal advice on all matters arising from meetings attended other than matters relating to service, statutory body, land, local authorities, privatization, contracts and information technology.


Unit II – Land and Service

Head of Unit
Saidah binti Mohamed Halil
  • Provide legal opinion to the Federal Ministries and Departments on matters relating to land law, local authorities, audit, service related matters, disciplinary proceedings, termination in the public interest and surcharge actions. 
  • Provide legal opinion and prepare draft commentaries to the Cabinet Papers circulated by the Federal Ministries. 
  • Analyse and provide opinion in the drafting of Bills and subsidiary legislations relating to land law, local authorities and service related matters. 
  • Provide legal opinions relating to issues arising in the meetings of National Land Council, National Forestry Council, Land Executive Committee for Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya and other National special committee meetings. 
  • Attend meeting as directed from time to time by the Head of Advisory Division.


Unit III - Privatisation

Head of Unit
Norizan binti Arifin
  • Provide legal opinion to the Federal Ministries and Departments on matters relating to privatisation, post-privatisation, Government Link Company (GLC) and contracts entered into by the Government.  
  • Attend meetings/negotiations relating to privatization projects, post privatization, Government Link Company (GLC) and contracts involving the Government.  
  • Provide legal opinion and prepare draft commentaries to the Cabinet Papers circulated by the Federal Ministries.  
  • Vet and draft privatisation agreements and other Government contracts.


Unit IV – Contract and Information Technology

Head of Unit
  • Provide legal opinion referred by the Federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies amongst others in relation to high impact Government projects, cross border projects, Government procurement contracts, cyber laws, information and communications technology (ICT), science and technology as well as ICT projects. 
  • Provide legal opinion and prepare draft commentaries to the Cabinet Papers circulated by the Federal Ministries. 
  • Provide legal opinion and input for Mesyuarat Menteri Besar dan Ketua Menteri (MBKM), Mesyuarat Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian dan Ketua Perkhidmatan (KSUKP), Mesyuarat Majlis Negara bagi Kerajaan Tempatan (MNKT), Mesyuarat Majlis Perancang Fizikal Negara (MPFN), Mesyuarat Majlis Sumber Air Negara (MAN), Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Perancang Pembangunan Negara (JPPN), Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Khas Kabinet Tatakelola Nasional (JKKTN), Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Awam Swasta (JTAS), Majlis Mesyuarat Keselamatan Negara (MMKN), Majlis Perlindungan Sosial Malaysia (MPSM) and other national committee/ council meeting relating to issues arising in cyber laws, information and communications technology (ICT), science and technology as well as ICT projects. 
  • Vet and draft legal instruments including high impact Government projects, cross border projects, Government procurement contracts, cyber laws, information and communications technology (ICT) , science and technology as well as ICT projects. 
  • Represent the Attorney General's Chambers in meetings/ negotiations in relation to high impact Government projects, cross border projects, Government procurement contracts, cyber laws, information and communications technology (ICT), science and technology as well as ICT projects.